Unfinished songs

Hi! This post is about a song. It is also a way for me to temporarily escape the burden of my Business English-finals. You see in general, it tends to take me between a day and a couple of weeks to complete a song. I know, I know  – a song is rarely fully completed, but…


Let’s jump right to it – march has been a busy month. University and my band have taken a lot of time, and beside these two, I’ve managed to keep myself busy. I’m sure that most of my followers on this blog get my everyday updates via Twitter, my Facebook-account, my Instagram or from my…

For the case of variation, here is one of those super rare posts about me, myself, or I. And my band. *wink* Yo, is it Lego-lazz So, what is this all about? Yesterday after my lecture at university, I traveled to the far domains of SaSa, who served me some tea. That’s hospitality folks! In…

New Year (and the days after)

Happy New Year! I know it’s a bit late, but since most of my followers are from Twitter/Instagram/Facebook, you’ve already seen my original greeting once it was more “in the time”. ;D Anyhow, I felt like writing a bit about New Years Eve, and the days after. First off, the day after SaSa’s birthday, I…

SaSa’s Birthday!

Hey people! Here’s my outfit for chrismtas: …but we ain’t gonna talk about Xmas today! (But I hope ya’ll had a great one!) I’m going to give you a little catch-up, starting off with the birthday celebration of SaSa! So, on the 27th of December, SaSa turned one year older, and this was celebrated with…


Let’s just jump to what’s up, a summary: A while ago, I went to see the new Hunger Games movie together with SaSa and Olivia, and was happily surprised that the movie was very truthful to the book. Once the end credits started rolling, I just wanted to sit there, and watch the next piece.…

Shrimp guitar punx

Last time I wrote anything here was after our gig at HarukaCon. It’s now a month since our gig there, time flies. Starting off with stuff regarding AVALINITY: K is still in HK, and seems to have wonderful time over there! I hope that she’ll soon blog about it 😉 Make sure to check her…